Life as a Newlywed

The everyday ramblings of a young, newlywed wife from Alabama.


Christmas 2004 Memories

Quick Wrap-Up
We got ornaments. I mean TONS. One was from my mother-in-law, for Christmas in our first home. My mom got us a first christmas ornament of Cherubs and also one with two bears as a bride and groom. She also brought us funky little ornaments for the dogs and things. Next year, we won't need new ornaments. Unless it says "Baby's First Christmas." (I'm thinking too far ahead).

Day by Day Recap
THURSDAY 12.23.04 Pictures Here

As my previous blog mentioned, Christina and I spent all day baking different things. The peanut butter chocolate Ritz was a big hit on Christmas Day, and the cookies were gobbled up really fast. That night, Bryan and I went to his grandmother's Christmas party which was loads of fun. Christmas 2003 I managed to open 3 gifts and have each one of them taken away during a mad game of dirty Santa. This year, the "big" gift was one of those vibrating squishy massage pillows. THREE OF THEM - And wouldn't you know, I opened all 3 and had them taken away from me. The laughter in that house was hysterical. I opened 8-10 gifts this year and had all of them swiped. Bryan even tried to help me out, but we lost track of whether or not the item was "dead" (after being "stolen" three times an item is "dead") and so someone got my massaging neck pillow. Bryan ended up with a shaving set and I got 2 Joe Boxer travel mugs. Pretty nice, broke them in Christmas Eve.

FRIDAY 12.24.04

I worked until about 7:30pm and then headed to my mother-in-law's, because every year that Bryan and I have been together it has become a tradition to share Christmas Eve with his mom and sister and open gifts. I had a theme, apparently, because all my gifts were kitchen related and ALL Fat Chef items. Bed,Bath,and Beyond sells the line I love. Then the final big present came and Bryan and I joked that it was another vaccum cleaner (this would've been the third year we'd received one) and....I GOT MY ISLAND FOR MY KITCHEN!!!! The minute we bought this house, I said I wanted an island to sit in the middle of the kitchen floor because it's SO huge. AND I GOT IT!! Okay, I'm still excited. Sue me! And sadly Bryan and I forgot to change out the battery in the digital camera, so there were no pictures this year.
Then we got home around 11pm and my mom and sisters came to spend the night with us. We didn't stay up too late that night, I think we watched "Two Brothers" halfway through before I went to bed. That is an adorable movie, by the way.

SATURDAY 12.25.04 Pictures Here

We got up early enough for me to start coffee and make breakfast (Baked Omelette, Waffles, Biscuits and homemade preserves). We ate breakfast and then started opening presents, not after Christina had said "This is the longest time we've EVER waited to open presents!" But my mom and I didn't feel like we had any reason to rush, so we didn't. I got more Fat Chef kitchen things (I now wonder if my Mother and Mother-in-law cohorted together on that plan) and I also got little toys and goodies in my stocking. My mother also have Bryan and I seperate gifts of Cordial Cherries, which is a sentimental gift in my family because that was a tradition started by my great-grandmother years before she passed away. Then we got all dressed up to go out and visit the rest of our family.

SUNDAY 12.26.04
My mom and sisters had slept over again, so I made another Baked Omelette, this time with just hashbrowns. After breakfast we gathered everybody up to go to my cousin Celena's house, and we spent the rest of the day out there having hamburgers and hotdogs off the grill for dinner.


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