Life as a Newlywed

The everyday ramblings of a young, newlywed wife from Alabama.


New Developments

We've been having problems adjusting. Our new city is totally different from the old one, and a major part of that is because of the fact that we lived on THE busiest street in the old city and now this new one is.....slow. I won't say slow exactly. The problem is, we're accustomed to slamming doors and stomping neighbors, barking dogs at all hours, and laughing children playing in the walkway of our apartment. I was accustomed to knowing where my husband was in the apartment by certain creaks the floor made as he walked. We kept our windows open in the summer and listened to the wonderful sounds of blairing stereos or revving engines. Now when you stand outside after about 9 o'clock, the only thing you might here is crickets churping. And even they keep it down to a dull roar.

We love our new house. We're not complaining at all. I was shocked by the fact that on Sunday as we're moving in, the neighbors to our right came over JUST to introduce themselves. We socialized with our apartment neighbors, sure, but just coming out to tell us who you are? And we paid $20 the other night for two large speciality pizzas and some breadsticks and a LOCALLY owned pizza place. I love getting to pay 2% less on my sales tax, that's absolutely great. And the dogs don't know what to do with themselves when they're allowed out in the yard - alone - to play. But we need noise. We've lived with it for almost four years now. Maybe one night I'll go down the street with my windows down, radio blaring. Do you think the neighbors will think badly of me if I do?


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